
Which Renaissance Humanist Taught That Free Will Was What Made Man Different From The Animals?

Concept in Norse mythology

In Germanic cosmology, Midgard (an anglicised class of Erstwhile Norse Miðgarðr [ˈmiðˌɡɑrðz̠]; Old English Middangeard , Old Saxon Middilgard , Old High German Mittilagart , and Gothic Midjun-gards; "middle m", "middle enclosure") is the name for Earth (equivalent in meaning to the Greek term οἰκουμένη , "inhabited") inhabited by and known to humans in early Germanic cosmology. The Former Norse form plays a notable role in Norse cosmology.

Etymology [edit]

The Old Norse proper noun Miðgarðr is cognate with Gothic Midjungards (attested in the Gospel of Luke as a translation of the Greek οἰκουμένη ), Old Saxon Middilgard (in Heliand), Old Loftier German Mittilagart (in Muspilli), and Quondam English Middangeard . The latter, which appears in both prose and poetry, was transformed to Middellærd or Mittelerde ("Middle-globe") in Centre English literature.[1]

All these forms stem from Common Germanic *Meðjana-garðaz , a compound of *meðjanaz ("heart") and *garðaz ("yard, enclosure"). In early Germanic cosmology, it stands aslope the term world (cf. Old English weorold , One-time Saxon werold , Old High High german weralt , One-time Frisian wrald , Old Norse verǫld ), itself from a Common Germanic compound *wira-alđiz ("human-age"), which refers to the inhabited world, i.east. the realm of humankind.[2]

Old Norse [edit]

In Norse mythology, Miðgarðr became applied to the wall around the globe that the gods synthetic from the eyebrows of the giant Ymir every bit a defense against the Jotuns who lived in Jotunheim, eastward of Manheimr, the "domicile of men", a give-and-take used to refer to the entire earth. The gods slew the giant Ymir, the first created being, and put his body into the central void of the universe, creating the world out of his trunk: his flesh constituting the land, his blood the oceans, his basic the mountains, his teeth the cliffs, his hairs the copse, and his brains the clouds. Ymir's skull was held by iv dwarfs, Nordri, Sudri, Austri, and Vestri, who represent the four points on the compass and became the dome of heaven. The sun, moon, and stars were said to be scattered sparks in the skull.

According to the Eddas, Midgard will be destroyed at Ragnarök, the boxing at the end of the world. Jörmungandr (also known every bit the Midgard Snake or World Snake) will arise from the ocean, poisoning the state and body of water with his venom and causing the sea to rear up and lash against the land. The final battle will have identify on the obviously of Vígríðr, following which Midgard and about all life on it will exist destroyed, with the earth sinking into the bounding main only to ascension again, fertile and dark-green when the bicycle repeats and the creation begins again.

Although most surviving instances of the word Midgard refer to spiritual matters, it was likewise used in more mundane situations, as in the Viking Historic period runestone poem from the inscription Sö 56 from Fyrby:

Iak væit Hāstæin
þā Holmstæin brø̄ðr,
mænnr rȳnasta
ā Miðgarði,
sattu stæin
auk stafa marga
æftiʀ Frøystæin,
faður sinn.[three]
I know Hásteinn
(and) Holmstein, brothers,
the most rune-skilled men
in Centre Earth,
placed the stone
and many letters
in memory of Freysteinn,
their male parent.

The Danish and Swedish course Midgård or Midgaard , the Norwegian Midgard or Midgård , as well as the Icelandic and Faroese form Miðgarður , all derive from the Old Norse term.

English [edit]

The name middangeard occurs vi times in the Old English epic verse form Beowulf, and is the same word as Midgard in Sometime Norse. The term is equivalent in pregnant to the Greek term Oikoumene, every bit referring to the known and inhabited globe.

The concept of Midgard occurs many times in Middle English. The clan with earth (OE eorðe) in Center English middellærd, middelerde is by pop etymology; the modern English cognate of geard "enclosure" is yard. An early example of this transformation is from the Ormulum:

þatt ure Drihhtin wollde / ben borenn i þiss middellærd
that our Lord wanted / be born in this Middle-globe.

The usage of "Middle-earth" as a name for a setting was popularized past Old English scholar J. R. R. Tolkien in his The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy works; he was originally inspired by the references to middangeard and Éarendel in the Onetime English poem Crist A.

Quondam Loftier High german and Quondam Saxon [edit]

Mittilagart is mentioned in the 9th-century Erstwhile High German Muspilli (v. 54) significant "the world" as opposed to the ocean and the heavens:

muor varsuuilhit sih, suilizot lougiu der himil,
mano uallit, prinnit mittilagart
Body of water is swallowed, flaming burn the heavens,
Moon falls, Midgard burns

Middilgard is as well attested in the Quondam Saxon Heliand:

oƀar middilgard,
endi that he mahti allaro manno gihwes
Over the middle earth;
And all men He could help

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Midgard", Online Etymology Dictionary .
  2. ^ Orel, Vladimir East. (2003). A Handbook of Germanic Etymology. Leiden: Brill. pp. 264, 462. ISBN 90-04-12875-1
  3. ^ Skaldic Verse of the Scandinavian Eye Ages, AU: USYD, archived from the original on 2011-05-eighteen, retrieved 2007-06-23 for a version in normalized Old Norse orthography.


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